Kindergarten Program - Children 5-6 Years Old
Age listed below is as of September 1

Ages 5 and 6: 8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.           

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The Kindergarten Program emphasizes Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, and Mathematics. We also incorporate art, music, and cultural activities.

Judaic Curriculum

Students will be learning all about the Chagim and enjoy using  beautiful books that supplement the lessons. The pages are presented in vivid colors, illustrations and photos. It contains various stories, poems, songs, and other information related to all Jewish holidays according to the Jewish calendar using vocabulary and techniques. Additionally, we have planned many exciting crafts and projects!

Hebrew Immersion Program 

Students will be learning Hebrew using Kriah Viod from the Migdalor Series. 

Students will be learning how to write Hebrew with a Hebrew handwriting booklet teaching Hebrew script methodically and clearly. This is a part of the Migdalor Program where written expression skills are taught gradually and systematically so that the child learns to write and spell basic and frequently-used vocabulary words explicitly and using various instructional game activities. The large Hebrew Alphabet cards present all the letters in print and script form side-by-side and are meant to be used as an instructional aid to the book Hebrew Handwriting.